Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blog Post #1

The way I speak outside of the workplace is mainly influenced by my friends and family. When I leave the workplace, the way I speak with my friends and family changes automatically without me even realizing it. If I speak to my friends and family the way I speak in the workplace, they may not understand certain things I say or the expressions in my words.

The reason my family influences the way I speak is because they are from the south, so being raised around them is how I grew up with the kind of words I use. In the work place, I would never use common phrases such as “all dat” or “come ova hea.” With my family that is the way we communicate and that’s what we have grown to know and understand.

The reason my friends’ influences the way I speak is simply because of the common slang use among youth. Ever since I started public schooling, my vocabulary and grammar hit a sudden change when I made friends. With young people, so many new words and phrases are made to where a lot of kids use these words as another language with each other. I believe that the reason people don’t realize why the way they speak changes automatically around their friends and family is because they’re so comfortable with that style of speech.



  1. I agree, being around lots friends and family who spoke slang, it was an easy habit to pick up. However, when i spoke proper english around them when trying to improve the way i spoke i was awkward for a brief moment.

  2. The south has a strong accent understood.In transition with talking to friends and family im starting to think we dont respect or friends because of that switch in the way we talk."thinking out loud"

  3. I can understand what you said about how it is difficult to code switch from the workplace to your daily life because you were so used to using your own language/lingo. I have family members from the south who find it very hard to transition whenever they talk. I also like how you pointed out that the language people your/our age use certain phrases that stick with us. Once the phrase is out there, it seems to stick with us and spread like wildfire. Great story!

  4. I really like the personal touch on this blog, i honestly change my style as i transfer from workplace to family and friends to. great post really understanding.
