Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dear Ol' High School (My high school years)

During my 4 years of high school, I went to two different high schools. Both had high expectations, but one was just more advanced than the other.

Ninth grade, I went to a school called Malvern High in Arkansas located in a really small town and it was very, very disciplined but there were not many resources. Because of the town it was located in, it reflected on our site and everything was limited. Plus there were only about 400 students.

I spent my 10th, 11th, 12th grade at Berkeley High School here in California. It had too much freedom, and had many resources. Because Berkeley High is an extended high school, it is known as one of Bay Area's top high schools with about 4,000 students.

Combining the two there was a big difference between Malvern High School and Berkeley High School, and even though I didn't have the best years, I can definitely say that I had great classes, teachers, help, and awesome friends and family throughout my 4 years of high school.


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